Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Notes on a Snapshot Aesthetic

P1070360aMinolta Hi-Matic G, circa 1970s


P1070361aKodak Retina IIIC, circa 1950s


P1070363aOlympus Pen D, half-frame format, circa 1960s


More film-era snapshot cameras from my collection:

P1070359aCanon AF35M, circa 1980s

P1070364aPocket Fujica 350 Zoom, 110 format, circa 1970s

P1070358aYashica T4 Super, circa 1990s

P1070357aHolga 135, circa 2000s

P1070362aSuper-Hedz Golden Half Black Mountain, half-frame format, circa 2000s

Post-Script: This is a collection that represents a wide variety of enthusiast film cameras, ranging in quality from the Kodak Retina rangefinder on the high end to the Holga on the low end. All use 35mm film with the exception of the Pocket Fujica (which is 110 format), while the Olympus Pen D and Golden Half are half-frame 35mm film cameras, meaning you get twice as many shots (but smaller negatives oriented vertically) than a normal 35mm film camera.

Regarding their methods of viewfinding, all employ optical viewfinders, with the Kodak Retina being a rangefinder, while the Minolta Hi-Matic, Olympus Pen D and Pocket Fujica 110-format cameras being scale focusing. The Canon AF35M and Yashica T4 Super are autofocus, and of the two plastic toy cameras the Holga employs scale focus with cute distance symbols (one person, three people, a group of people or mountains - go figure), while the Super-Hedz half-frame camera is fixed focus.

As for their acquisitions, most were purchased at thrift stores, the Retina being purchased from an estate sale, while the two plastic cameras at the bottom were purchased new (the Holga from Urban Outfitters and the Golden Half from online).

Typecast via Remington Quiet-Riter, photos via Lumix G5 (the successor to the G1 mentioned in the article)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen old snapshot cameras in thrift shops and never give them a second thought, until now.

9:48 PM  

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