3D Thermal Prints!

Next are two vertical prints. The foreground object (a ten-pack of thermal printer paper) was slightly off-frame for the lefthand image, so you may have a more difficult time converging the images. What helped for me was to try converging the "Paper Fingers" poster on the wall.

I made a visit to the Special Collections Library today, partly to get these shots but also to submit my entry into the History Harvest project the library is holding this month. This project aims to document firsthand accounts of people who lived in the area of East Downtown and Martineztown. I wanted to submit an entry, because my grandparent's house was across the street from the library and we'd spend many weekends here.
Here is a collection of more thermal photos taken today around the library:

I also took these inside the library, including the printing press museum where you can see the Mergenthaler linotype machine, and a Royal HHE on display, that seemed to work pretty well, better than the last time I visited.

These images were literally "pasted up" using an Uhu Stic glue stick. The thermal typing was done using the Canon Typestar 220.
Ted's article is here.
The BADONER article is here.
Getting really innovative ... fun blends of technologies!
That is a really impressive 3D effect in the box and bottle shot. I enjoyed 3D when I was a kid using a View Master and the disks with a series of pictures. I did not know of anyone then who made the pictures themselves other than General Eisenhower.
A 10 pack of the thermal rolls? I sense you are positive about this silly little camera becoming a useful part of your photographic life :D
I'm starting to include a thermal print of the typewriter I used in every letter I send out! And this morning during my neighborhood walk I brought the toy camera instead of a "real" camera. So liberating! At the cost per print, they're almost free! You get a print...and you get a print...everyone gets a print!
I continue to be shocked at the quality of the prints produced by these toy cameras! The pictures you've taken are downright beautiful in a sort of retro way.
The cross-eyed technique works! How cool is that? I find it interesting that they cross-eyed technique requires the reversal of the images. Thank you for this wonderful post!
My grandparents had old an stereogram viewing kit. We kids had the View-Master. Unfortunately both are long gone. I do however still have a book of 3D geological topography with a set of magnifying glasses that works like today's virtual reality goggles. Once the prices dropped to like $20, I got some VR phone goggles, and it was easy to snap digital still-life pics a few inches apart and Photoshop them together. The images pop out brilliantly! Old tech becomes new again! There's a Google app that seamlessly creates panoramic 3D images that require the viewer.
Around the same time during a bookstore browse, I found an 8x8 inch paperback simply titled Sterogram produced in Japan. Later I ordered the sequel Super Sterogram online. They explain the two viewing techniques, parallel and cross-eyed, and print little symbols in the photo corners to note which one. Some computer-generated 3D art can be seen both ways with different results. Real-life photographs require one or the other. Joe, your first image is cross-eyed and the vertical one is parallel. The distance differenes between fore and backgrounds reveal the technique. It takes some practice too see the 3D images with naked eyes, but once learned it's hard to forget.
There are two ways that both images are melded and printed: Combined is nearly impossible to view without special glasses to see the differently colored or polarized images. Then there are the separate images that are viewed either cross or parallel, the later of which can be assisted by special goggles or by placing a stiff flat object between the images so each eye only sees one. Then once the brain locks into the technique, the separator is no longer needed. When the naked eye method is done correctly either way, most people see a set of three images, left & right in the periphrial vison with the melded 3D image in the center.
Nowadays we can watch videos and even do live chats with 3D. Can you imagine a 3D TCL meeting? We'd all look hilarious with our goggles on and nobody would know who's who, but our typewriters sure would look cool. Sounds like I should jump on the Type Pals Stereogram Bandwagon and turn this loooong comment into my own blog post. Thank you, Joe, once again for sharing your stimulating writings and projects. I love how you "stay creative!"
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