From Pencil to Platten
A Cafe/Commuter Train Pencil/Typecast

Post Script: I got down to the station about a half-hour early. The New Mexico Railrunner only runs two trains on Sunday, once in the AM and once in the PM, so the train, when it arrived, was pretty crowded. I ended up being surrounded by five children from a Taiwanese family who were wrestling and jostling and in general having a great kid's train ride, and I enjoyed every bit of it, but didn't have an opportunity to do any further writing on the way up to Santa Fe.
When we arrived at the end of the line in downtown Santa Fe, I snapped a picture of a cool-looking metal band, waiting to ride the train back to Albuquerque, the electric guitarist with instrument slung over his shoulder (but alas, no amp). Too bad; that could have been one fun ride.
My pencil scratchings were translated into typecast that evening, via Olivetti Lettera 22.
Post Script: I got down to the station about a half-hour early. The New Mexico Railrunner only runs two trains on Sunday, once in the AM and once in the PM, so the train, when it arrived, was pretty crowded. I ended up being surrounded by five children from a Taiwanese family who were wrestling and jostling and in general having a great kid's train ride, and I enjoyed every bit of it, but didn't have an opportunity to do any further writing on the way up to Santa Fe.
When we arrived at the end of the line in downtown Santa Fe, I snapped a picture of a cool-looking metal band, waiting to ride the train back to Albuquerque, the electric guitarist with instrument slung over his shoulder (but alas, no amp). Too bad; that could have been one fun ride.
My pencil scratchings were translated into typecast that evening, via Olivetti Lettera 22.
Another excellent read.
The hype of my iPad2 lasted just about 23 minutes. About 13 minutes of playing around with it and the other 10 demoing it to different family members over a few week's time.
Now, it lives in a pocket in my backpack and only comes out to play when one of my kids wants to play Angry Birds on the "big screen". And I couldn't be happier with that amount of usage:)
Commuter trains are the best. I'm surprised they run on weekends: ours don't, but I'd love it if they did.
@Ryan: Thanks for the note. The NM Railrunner has only been online for several seasons, and there ain't much between Albuquerque and Santa Fe but scrub and desert. One of the primary uses is tourism between the state's biggest city (Abq) and the tourist/art mecca of Santa Fe. Ostensibly, there's a valid commute reason between the two cities, Santa Fe being the capital and Abq being the business hub, but it's often locals taking weekend joyrides, hence the crowded trains on weekends. Now there's supposed to be wireless internet onboard, but I haven't tried it out.
Speculator is hugely inspiring, isn't he?
I do that too when typing... I think a lot about the fit and appearance of the words on the page. Presentation is part of it. Interesting.
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