Fanfold Blast from the Past

I've been cleaning out my office in preparation for a major overhaul, something that's been sorely needed for years. In the process of doing so, one obviously comes across items you've forgotten about. Today was one of those days, when I came across this handmade fanfold paper dispenser. The paper is from sheets torn off a letter-writing pad, then taped together, fanfold style, with blue painters masking tape. The photo above was with the paper threaded into the Olympia SF.
I remember doing this some years ago, but had forgotten about it until today. And what do I find typed on the first sheet of the pack, but this ad hoc piece of writing, dated from May 8, 2018, typed on the Royal QDL named Adobe Rose, that I'd just then acquired. I thought it would be fun to post this "blast from the past" just to see what I was up to back then.

I thought the piece was rather funny; but I especially like it for the freedom of creative thought that it represents. Sometimes it's hard to know where you are, mentally and creatively, when you're in the midst of it all. But being able to take a step back and look at something from the past gives a person enough distance to see how different they were back then. I like what I wrote, and wonder if today I can channel that kind of spontaneous creativity at will. I think the answer to that question is just to do it, more and more. Sit down at the machine and let the words spill out.
Here is Adobe Rose; I don't have very many shots of her, evidence that she spends too much time in the closet. Time to remedy that.

Labels: Adobe Rose, Royal QDL
This was a most enjoyable post (I too like what you wrote back then). Thanks for sharing!
You've been neglecting Adobe Rose? for shame! :D
If my Royal QDLs ever get to the point where they don't skip (note to self: buy a t bender), then I would use them more often.
Doesn't 2018 seem like so long ago?
I don't recall seeing a video about the painter's tape fanfold trick. I love it! Next best thing to typing on a thermal roll! I'm so glad you brought out Adobe Rose. She's humble, yet beautiful. Enjoy!
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