The Bookshelf
Post-Script: Just a few photographic samplings from The Bookshelf. Typecast via Underwood Universal onto LAROP (Little-*ss-Roll-Of-Paper), photos via Lumix G5 and Simply B&W in iPad2.
Post-Post-Script: There's another back-story worthy of recounting, involving the 3rd image, the pull-out illustration in the back of D.H. Robinson's "The Zeppelin in Combat," adjacent to which is a well dog-eared and yellowed stack of handwritten sheets, penned by yrs. truly back in the mid-1970s (probably 1976 at the base library on the Mare Island Naval Shipyard), an excerpt from Adm. Charles Rosendahl's 1931 book "Up Ship," the first popular exposition on rigid airships being employed in the U.S. Navy. The library lacked a copy machine and so, in my fascination with rigid airships, I copied excerpts by hand. Poor man's Xerox. These have been squirreled away inside Robinson's book ever since.
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