Pinhole Day 2014

Post-Script: It appears that WPPD 2014 was a roaring success. All eight paper negatives came out fine, while I will have to wait for the results from the Holga 120 pinhole camera, as the Kodak Ektar 100 will require lab processing.
It was a blustery day at the zoo, but not too bad. The light was variable from direct sun to cloudiness, and so metering and exposure was a bit tricky.
I especially enjoyed meeting fellow pinhole photographer Becky Ramotowski and her husband Shane. After several hours of creating photographs, we ate at a very nice Mexican restaurant.
I processed these paper negatives later this evening, then rinsed and dried them (via my usual method of squeegee and a hair dryer), then scanned them into TIFF files. Only minor levels adjustments were made in Photoshop.
Typecast via Royal Futura 800, which seems to be working fine after the work I did to it last week.
Bonus Images:

Very good photos indeed! And it looks that zebras agreed to pose for you - very nice of them :)
Nice pinhole work.
I forgot all about Pinhole Day.
Daughter is more into pinhole photography than I am. She always was more interested in it.
I have been working on my 4 x 5 pinhole camera and it just wasn't done for this year. Next year, however, I plan to expose a few shots.
Many's the 'tumbleweed' silence when, bored with some endless debate of the day, I come out with "We are all just star dust". Your last 'bonus' pinhole photograph has the quality of Wilfred Thessiger's images of marsh arab communities in the south of Iraq. I was lucky enough to catch an exhibition of his prints at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. He was a Leica II user.
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