Typing at the Grind
Post-Script: I thought it was very timely that the two ladies asked about my typewriter just after I typed that I was not a typewriter evangelist. We ended up talking about typewriters and my blog, which they were already looking at on their phones before I left. And the one gal took down written directions to both typewriter shops I mentioned.
Once again I photographed the typed sheet via the Fuji X10, rather than scan it, using the lens zoomed out and fill flash on, desaturating the colors to b/w. Both images were edited in Filterstorm on the iPad2. Typecast via Royal Mercury.
Some of you might have noticed that Flickr has changed their embedding code in the last day or so. I found that if you select the "original size" of the image that you get back the regular code that uses "h r e f."
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