Sunday, November 17, 2013

From Whence Come the Crows?



Post-Script: Writing about crows is easier than actually photographing them. The pesky varmints are smart enough to see me lurking on the sidewalk below the tree they're roosting in, and seem to know when I point the camera their way. But if you're in a car driving through the neighborhood, you'll often see a whole murder of crows, prowling on someone's front lawn or, as my wife just described for me, across the street from the mall an entire flock gathering at dusk. But of course, I was not there, nor was my camera, and so this photo will have to do for now.

I actually love this time of year when the crows return to town, it's a harbinger of the coming winter, a reminder of the passing of the seasons and, though the world seems full of troubles, at least one thing remains constant.

Typecast via Remington Quiet-Riter (written in iAWriter on iPad2 while sitting in bed last week, sent via WiFi to my HP laser printer, the draft attached to a clipboard aside the Quiet-Riter), photo via Lumix G5.

Bonus Photo: We visited the Petroglyph National Monument this afternoon, on the west side of Albuquerque. Perhaps a blog article is in order, as I have a few other photos to share.



Blogger Tony Mindling said...

I believe that is an early typewriter, center right, beneath the front and top views of a WWII fighter aircraft.

Kidding aside, I love the look of this black and white photo, so appropriate for the desert.

10:46 PM  

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