Scootering to Sweet Cup

Loft Typing at Sweet Cup with Brother EP43

The loft at Sweet Cup

This last Sunday our fledgling ABQwerty Type Writer Society met at the historic Albuquerque Press Club, invited by one of its members. We had a great time writing and socializing on the shaded porch, and hope to return in the future for more typing events. Here's my video of the event:
Labels: ABQ Press Club, Brother EP-43, Honda PCX-150, Scootering, Sweet Cup Coffee
Not many coffee shops around here -- or I've not found them yet. We have a local chain plus the big corporate ones I seldom visit. We had a nice one at the same place where we attended the June Type-In.
Good video. I enjoyed the creative repair. I keep a large selection of rubber washers, grommets, o-rings, and bibb washers in my shop just for typewriter repair. Bibb washers are some of the handiest.
You make ABQ sound great. Too many little cafes that welcomed the analog items and thinking machines have closed down in the Inland Empire ( Empire? ) area because of tech-crazy Starboctopuses moving across the street from them, like the predators they are. Oh well.
Thanks for the great how-to vids and your helpful responses on Type-Talk.
Good to see you having a good time.
Oooh, fantastic new space for your typin' - glad you could find a new spot that satisfies. (:
Another great video - nice to see typospherians getting together (and squeezing in a repair).
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