Taking the Nekkid-Riter Afield

Post-Script: Because of a technical glitch, this video didn't include any footage of me actually typing. I had attempted a time-lapse sequence of me typing, set to record a frame once every ten seconds. It seemed to have recorded the sequence correctly, since it played back in-camera as I intended; but once I imported the footage to the iPad it was merely a large set of still images. I obviously haven't done my homework regarding how these things work. Instead, I should have used the camera's 300% speed mode, which would have accomplished nearly the same effect but rendered as a conventional video clip.
Overall, I'm still satisfied with using the iPad as an editing platform, but am aware of the need to expand my library of background music, since I'm currently stuck with iMovie's default theme music selection. I need to find a good free-ware music source.
Here's a link to this week's video. I hope you enjoy it.
Typecast via Hermes 3000 Nekkid-Riter. I attempted some touch-typing with this article, which might be obvious due to numerous typos and general sloppiness. Near the end of the piece I set the touch selector from "2" to "3" and noticed, with this particular machine, that it seemed to perform better on a heavier setting. Obviously I'm not going to become a better manual touch-typist without more practice, but having the machine properly set up is also important.
Labels: Elena Gallegos, GH3, Hermes, Hermes 3000, Nekkid-RIter, Typewriter video series, video editing, You Tube
The Nekkid-Writer sure looks impressive! I love the box, too. My only hesitation about taking it outdoors would be that dust would get in the works, but I'm sure it can be blown out. Your video and audio seem like great quality to me.
Thanks for taking me on your trip to the overlook. Your comments about the tools we use to express our reflections on the environment really resonate. It is also interesting to consider the technological connection between the typewriter and machinery developed by people to exploit nature. And that written reflections are also a quiet way of exploiting the natural environment. A kind of atonement. You may have read Everett Reuss's journals of his walks in the west. His artistic engagement is perhaps more mercenary but his writing feels like he's mining the same motherload. Thanks again!
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