Smuggling Typewriters to Phoenix

Post-Script: This posting serves as a kind of experiment for mobile blogging, in that both the lead photo and typecast were taken with this iPod Touch camera, the photo using Hipstamatic and the typecast cropped and tweaked in the camera's edit feature.
Once the images were emailed to my Flickr stream, grabbing the links was challenging, as you need to use the desktop version of Safari (a hidden feature accessed by pressing the retry button), then highlight the entire URL, a kludge of an operation that seems to eventually work if you hold your mouth just a certain way, and the phase of the moon is correct. Or maybe my fingers are too stubby and I need to learn the iOS touch gestures better.
Labels: Hermes Rocket, Phoenix Type-In, storytelling, typewriter renaissance, typewriter smuggling
Typecast via Hermes Rocket.
Admirable. Next thing is to lash a big standard typewriter to the roof rack - maybe on the way back. ;)
No joke, typewriting really is a way to escape state surveillance. Not that anyone in the government is giving a damn about typewriters ... but that is precisely the point.
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