Grab-&-Go Typing

Post-Script: This search for the ideal meeting venue is not unique to our fledgling typewriter society. Kevin belongs to a British car club and they, too, struggle with finding the right place for their meetings. I'd like to keep our society dues-free as much as possible, so paying for a meeting place is not the way I want to go. Hopefully our current choice, at Rust is Gold, will be workable for us.
I posted a short video today about the value of books, in particular as they relate to my various arcane interests, and how purchasing used copies of out-of-print editions can be a satisfying way to retain access to these invaluable sources, that are often removed from libraries once they become too worn. I've recently made online purchases of several such special-interest books:
Games Calculators Play, by Wallace Judd
The History of the Abacus, by J.M. Pullan
Narrowcast: Poetry and Audio Research, by Lytle Shaw
Love is Meat, by David W. Pedersen
At the cigar store this week I had a great conversation with a pipe smoker who happened to share an interest in pens, especially fountain pens and mechanical pencils. We had a great time, and it reminded me of the need to take some pens and notebooks with me, to share my interests with fellow aficionados.
Finally, I'd like to mention once again the blog of Austin Kleon. If you are a creative in need of recharging, you need to visit his blog every day. And be sure to follow the many resource links he provides, as you'll soon find yourself falling down the rabbit hole of creative exploration.
Labels: ABQwerty Type Writer Society, Austin Kleon, books, Rust is Gold Coffee
Keeping track of letter correspondence can be maddening.
I started a file for all of my typed stuff. A separator is there to segregate my letters. I also keep a list of letters owed so that I don't miss anyone. I keep it as a section in my Bullet Journal, so that I don't lose track. Once I type a letter up, I put a copy with the letter I'm replying to for archive's sake.
What time is the meeting? I'll promote it if I can.
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