Friday, November 26, 2021

Van Neistat Makes a Typewriter Video

If you've watched YouTube for any degree of time you may be aware of a famous "You-Tuber" named Casey Neistat. Casey earned aclaim when he lived in NYC and blogged every day, come rain, sleet, snow or mugginess, for several years, with a novel style of video that's come to be a standard method these days.

But Casey has a brother, Van Neistat, and together the two of them, before Casey's YouTube fame, once had a show on HBO called "The Neistat Brothers," that pioneered a form of videomaking using consumer-grade camcorders and handheld sponteneity.

Times changed and Casey eventually moved to LA and quit daily vlogging (video-logging, a visual form of blogging). But about a year ago he convinced his brother Van (who some people say may be the more creative of the two) to start his own YouTube channel, which is themed around the idea of The Spirited Man.

Van releases videos at a pace of about one per week, and this week's video was titled "A Computer Supplement." The supplement referred to in the title is the late-1930s Corona Standard typewriter (the so-called "flat-top" model), that's featured in the title intro of every one of Van's videos (and also reminds me every week that it needs an on-feet adjustment, due to shading of the upper half of the characters).

In the video Van delivers five reasons to use a typewriter as a supplement to a computer in the creative writing process. And he does a great job of explaining the joy and usefullness of typewriters, even though he's clearly not one of "us" typewriter nerds. Or rather, he's a typewriter lover in the wild. I'll leave it to Van to explain his points, just click on the embedded video at the top.

Every since I've watched Van's channel I've wondered how long it would take him to talk about his typewriter, since he's also talked about many other of his tools. And maybe, as Van alludes to in the video, the price of Corona Standards will shoot up as a result!



Blogger Ted said...

Heh, a flattop would be a good platform for magnetic fridge poetry. :D

11:13 PM  
Blogger Bill G said...

I appreciate you sharing this video with the rest of us Joe. I can't say that I've heard of either of the Neistat brothers before seeing this blog post. Still, I enjoyed the video. Though I would have a hard time explaining why, it had a feeling of authenticity to it that is missing from a few of the other typewriter-related videos I've seen on YouTube more recently. It's possible that this might be because Van is not one of us (the typewriter nerds) as you noted, or maybe it it's because he already made a name for himself some time ago and is referring to typewriters as they apply to the larger subject of creativity.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Mei Travis said...

I'd never heard of their channels before, but I did enjoy the video, and I can totally relate to the same reasons especially, "When you're angry, there's like a violence in the keys!" Typewriting is a great way to chill out so I can work on writings that are more fit for blogging. :-)

11:05 AM  
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8:30 AM  
Anonymous International movers said...

Join Van Neistat on a nostalgic journey as he explores the timeless charm of typewriters in "Typing Nostalgia: Van Neistat's Ode to the Typewriter." Delve into the intricacies of these mechanical marvels, appreciate their unique aesthetics, and discover the stories they hold. Van's passion for vintage technology and storytelling makes this video a captivating homage to an era where words were crafted with precision and care.

4:51 AM  

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