Torpedo Typing

Here are the parts to each original foot, with the new foot mounted to the machine:

The rectangular brackets are mounted on the top and bottom of each foot, then mounted to the chassis with both shoulder screws. I was originally hoping to find a square furniture caster with a deep enough recess in the middle that I could use these brackets and screws; but none I could find were deep enough. I'm happy with these round rubber feet, however, and they prove very grippy on smooth surfaces, just like a rubber typing pad. I did have to add some spacer washers between the tops of the rubber feet and the frame of the machine, so the shoulder screws would remain recessed sufficiently so they won't scratch the tabletop.
I'm at the place where I'm more comfortable with typographical errors in my typecasts. I don't know why it's taken me this long. I was probably holding onto some affectation of the typewritten piece as a work of published perfection; whereas in actual fact I'm an imperfect typist (as well as an imperfect writer, thinker and speller) who's learning to embrace the "organic" look of human imperfection. Er, at least that's my excuse.
Actually, I think there's something valid here. In the heyday of the typewriter as a tool for the professional business world, perfect copy was an expectation, administered by professional typists who were compensated to do just that. But in this post-typewriter world, we can hold onto our imperfections as work-in-progress, somewhat akin to how a quick pencil sketch, in its brief roughness, doesn't compare to a finished painting. Typewritten pieces like this one are akin to jottings or doodles - they communicate an idea, but imperfectly so. Their value is in their immediacy. And I like that they reveal something of the process involved.
In fact, one of my favorite blogs is Vinnie McFeats' The Untimely Typewriter. I revel in each posting, as they exhibit the look of an experienced typist who knows his way around a manually typewritten page, replete with corrections in all their glory; no affectations present here. I don't think there's an ASCII character for a double-struck or X'd-out correction; these are markings unique to the manual typewriter. They're like the sound of gears mashing on a non-synchronized manual transmission - it's the way they're supposed to work.
Labels: blogging, Torpedo 18, typewriter repair, Typosphere
Nice work on the replacement feet. I think I'm the worst for typos in my posts.
Freedom! :D
Also - fantastic Torpedo. That machine is really gaining a nice personality in your care. (:
For replacement feet, you might think about conveyor belt. It is usually 1/4" thick. Cut two squares the appropriate size. On one cut out a center square hole to match your metal washers. Using rubber cement as contact cement, glue one square onto the other. I hear if you put the rubber in the freezer over night, you can sand it like wood, to line up the edges.
Regarding typos. Sometimes I write my elected officials over proposed legislation. I use my Daisy Wheel Sears typewriter to write the body of the letter. Then all I have to do is type in the name and address of each official, then print the letter from memory. I want to make mistakes, so the reader will think it is hand typed, not a letter from a computer. But there is no way to automatically backspace, to produce a strikeover in the body of the letter. I don't want it to look perfect like a secretary typed it. I want them to think I typed it on a blank piece of paper.
I wonder if I could put in a "stop" code, then manually backspace, then click continue? I'll have to try it.
Nice pedicure. ;)
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