One Flew the Coop

Post-Script: Here's a link to Harman Direct Positive Paper at Freestyle Photo. In case you're curious, here's a link to the corresponding article on my photography blog. And here's a link to my You Tube videos.
Typecast via Smith-Corona Galaxy 12.
Labels: camera making, Freestyle Photo, Harman DPP, pinhole, Smith-Corona Galaxy 12
Excellent work Joe. Must be nice to know an artist is interested in your camera. I think the one of a kind will be nicer than if he had a duplicate.
"One of a Kind Cameras by Joe" sounds better than "Carefully Constructed and Briefly Loved but Ultimately Neglected Cameras by Joe". :D
Right you are; perhaps I need better marketing?
You gave me an idea to use Harman paper in an old folder I have that uses "postcard" size film. I wonder if you could develop the paper in caffenol?
Don: Yes, I know of at one person who does just that. And I believe the coffee component stains the paper with a nice coffee-ish tone.
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