Just in Case

Post-Script: I must also make mention of the fact that these SM9s are "half-space" machines, meaning that as the typebar is moving up toward the platen, the carriage moves one half space, then another half space as it returns. This means that it is capable of inserting a missing character from an already printed word, as is evidenced in the word "local" in the seventh paragraph. To accomplish this, the errant word is first erased, then the carriage moved to the last letter of the previous word. Then the space bar is held down as each successive letter is printed. About half the machines in my collection have this feature, which I've come to appreciate, given the errors common to my typing.
Just in case you might think that I've gone off the deep end, gushing with pride over the acquisition of a battered suitcase, my wife, whose opinion in matters of aesthetics I trust more than mine, approves.
I did a bit of online research on this Hartmann Skymate suitcase, and it appears to be the pigskin version. There appears to be a significant history behind this brand, which I had not previously appreciated. Also, if online prices are any indication, I might have gotten a good deal on this.
Photos via Fujifilm X10.
Labels: Fujifilm X10, Hartmann Skymate, Olympia, Olympia SM9
Great idea. I have two SM9s (Colortip-S)missing their cases. But I'm holding out for a junk machine to come up locally, with its case. Bets not hold my breath. :)
Congratulations! The suitcase is a great fit for the SM9. Nice to know you have not just any old suitcase either. Perhaps the antique dealer knew too due to the price.
Great case! I was not aware that these old trunks command that kind of green. (okay, just have to forget that part - I don't need to be hauling suitcases home now..)
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