Nine Cameras & Three Videos
TWVS Episode 16: Cleaning Type Slugs
Making Pinhole Camera Apertures
Film Canister Pinhole Camera Project

Post-Script: I suppose, counting the Clip 2, it would be ten cameras.
I did an initial round of test-exposures for the nine little pinhole cameras, and everything worked as expected. My hand-fashioned pinholes are close enough in size to each other that I don't need a different focal ratio (and hence exposure time) for each camera; which was my objective.
The Narrative Clip 2 is really designed for life-logging by people who are always connected via smart phone; whereas my objective is more purposeful. I also don't want all those many photos uploading to someone else's server, I'd rather sort through them myself, delete the junk files (because a life-logging camera will produce a ton of junk images, at a rate of one per every 30 or 60 seconds, for example), and keep (and control the usage of) the rest. But the app enables one to also control the settings of the camera, including how often pictures are automatically recorded, and the length of video clips, etc. Though I haven't tried it with the new iOS version 9-dot-something on my iPad 2, I couldn't download the Narrative app with the older version 7-dot-something; nor was the Android app version compatible with my Dell tablet; hence why I'm for now using the PC version and downloading the images via USB straight to my hard drives.
And just in case you were wondering, I don't carry a "smart" phone, instead opting for a "dumb" (i.e. "flip") phone, whose service plan only costs me $15 per month. Not because I'm a Luddite but because, one, I'm cheap; and two, I have a "smart" phone for work, and detest the thing's constant desire to be fondled and caressed, like some poor, neglected child with psychological issues. Also, I enjoy ending calls by slamming the flip-phone shut, with that satisfying, tactile ker-thwack; much better than poking at a smudgy glass screen.
Typecast via Underwood Universal.
Labels: camera making, fliphones, Harman DPP, life-logging, Narrative Clip 2, pinhole, typewriter collecting, Typewriter video series, Underwood Universal, Webster XL-747
Great cleaning video, thanks for the mascara brush tip. Along with toothpicks I also use a push pin sometimes, a tip I got from Richard Polt's book.
Great close up shots of some very dirty type slugs. I find cleaning type slugs very satisfying work.
an excellent tutorial (both the typeslug cleaning and the pinhole-making). Sadly, my darkroom got invaded earlier this year and I have many rolls of film stacking up. /:
Joe, again great videos. I am really keen on seeing your new project photos.
Cleaning the type slays: I found a kind of a rubber cleaner in a stationery shop, it is a bit like FIMO or modeling clay. You press it for a while on the slays, seems to work quite fine. Did you ever use this?
Michael, no I have not used that product. I should give it a try, thank you for the tip.
Joe, I tested this rubber cleaner on a typewriter that came uncleaned - I think I will recommend your cleaning procedure :-) The rubber cleans a bit, but the dried ink and grease stays. So this might be a good tool for regular cleaning after the real work is done once.
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