DFW: In Solace and Deep Thought

Post-Script: The tragedy is, I don't expect this film to garner much attention from the critics or Academy, but it's deep, thoughtful and poignant, with a sad but subtle undercurrent of quiet irony.
This is a "quiet movie," a term I coined to refer to those that leave the audience with moments empty of dialog and noise, space within which to think and ponder, like Sophia Coppola's Bill Murray-fueled "Lost in Translation," minus, of course, Bill Murray's comedic personality. Still, there are subtle moments of humor throughout Tour, as evidenced by the occasional titter of laughter from myself or the other three in the audience on the day of my viewing. I can well recommend you go see it for yourself, and if possible also give the late Mr. Wallace a read, too.
Yes, I ran out of room at the bottom of the piece, with only a sentence left, not enough to warrant a scan of a second, much abbreviated, page. So it is with real-life typing (typewritering?), its quaint limitations and challenges presented to the writer reward one with these amusing byproducts of imperfection.
Photo via Fujifilm X10, typecast via Underwood Universal.