Fireworks at Boca Chica

(Screen grab from Scott Manley's YouTube channel)

(Errata: Typewritten date should read 18 November 2023)

Okay folks, I know I could've included the rest of the screen grabs of the launch in living digital color, but since I'm archiving this blog article in a 3-ring binder for my progeny to have to deal with when that time comes, I figured showing them as low-res thermal prints, hand-pasted-up like in ye Olden Days and filed away along with the typed sheets, would just make a whole hecka lotta more sense. Also, you just can't beat that low-res pixelated appearance this toy thermal-printing camera makes. I've also posted previous blog articles about this little toy camera, here, here and here.
But just to be fair, here's Scott Manley's video about today's second test launch of Starship: